League Rules

1. Declaration/payment of Teams & Individuals – A team / individual, will declare to the league officials prior to the start of the race that the appropriate payment and declaration to the league has been completed prior to competing (details on forms page). You are also requested to notify the officials if you will not be able to complete your full race distance within 70 minutes. Failure to do so may result in disqualification. 

2. All runner registration – All runners must register to run to enable the results system to work (details on forms page). There are no entries on the day. Team details cannot be changed part way through the season.

3. Team Scoring


The ‘A’ team will be the first 4 runners from each team
The ‘B’ team the next 4 athletes from the same team

This excludes men competing in the 5k race

The ‘A’ team will be the first 3 runners from each team
The ‘B’ team the next 3 athletes from the same team

4. Method of Scoring – The inverse scoring method will be used where the winner scores 150 points, second 149 points etc for the men. Ladies races inverse scoring method will be used where the winner scores 150 points, second 149 points etc . The scoring applies to League members only; non paying and non disclaimer participants being excluded from the points. No retrospective payments will be accepted 

5. Non-attendance – League teams unable to attend a league fixture will score no points for that fixture. If more than half the League are unable to attend a race, then the fixture will be declared non-scoring or be rescheduled.

6. Appeals – Will be dealt with by the committee. If an appeal Committee becomes necessary, it will be formed with one representative from each team.

7. Course length – Course length should ideally be between 5 and 6 miles for the men. Ladies courses should ideally be up to 4 miles. It should also be ideally 80% off road.

8. Race start times – All league races are planned to start at 14:00 hrs, unless previously agreed and published by the committee. A delay of 15 minutes is acceptable if the runners are known to be arriving late if agreed by the race organiser. Team captains are responsible for notifying the host team if late arrival is necessary. Runners taking longer than an anticipated 70 minutes may be asked to start early for safety reasons.

9. Guests – Guest teams or individuals can be invited by host teams or the secretary, they should register under the host team. 

10. Number Of Races – Winter League – Individuals may score points in a maximum of 8 races (based on a season of 10 races. If there are less or more than 10 races in anyone season individuals who complete all races can drop their two least scoring races). Should a tie occur, the number of first places will be taken into consideration. The progressive points total will be provisional until final race of the season. Team results are based on a team competing in all races for the season.

11. Categories – Categories will be:

All ages are generated & placed into appropriate age categories from the date of the first race of the winter season. Male competitors over the age of 65 may compete over the short (ladies) course if they wish. In this case a handicap system will be utilised. Competitors who wish to use the short course must declare their intention to the league officials before commencement of the first race and remain at that distance for the entire season. Men competing at the shorter distance do not qualify for team prizes unless everyone in that category has competed at the shorter distance. The league officials reserve the right to combine categories for the purpose of presentation of trophies, should there be too few entries in one category.

Junior=under age of 20 (must be 19 or less on date of first race), Senior=20-34, 35-39, 40-44, 45-49, 50-54, 55-59, 60-64, 65-69, 70-74, 75-79, 80-84, 85+

12. Declaration of Categories – A runner’s category is determined by their age on the 1st of October for each season. Runners must declare this category at the beginning of the season and remain in that category. Runners are not permitted to change Teams or distance during the season.

13. Results – It is the responsibility of runners to present their finish token and barcode to be scanned after a race. Race results are not automated so take time to compile, they will be published before the next race. If this is not possible an appropriate notification will be published on the Website and Facebook.

14. League fees – The league fees for the season will be set prior to the Annual General Meeting, and presented to the Secretary at the AGM and no later than the first race. The fees for this year are detailed on the “Forms” page of the website. Anyone/Team who has not paid will be excluded from any race results. They will only be included from the race from which payment has been made.

15. Interpretation – The Secretary and the Treasurer have completed discretion as to the interpretation of the league rules.

16. Prizes – Will be presented at the last event of the season.

  • Top ten overall men’s and ladies awards (this also includes 9 races plus marshalling at your home race, names to be submitted by team captains after home race if applicable)
  • Winner of each age category men’s and ladies
  • Top three teams men’s and ladies (Team B’s will be included in overall results there will be no separate B Team category)
  • All competitors completing all races in the season “the perfect 10 award”
  • There are no age category prizes for men competing in the short course. They are eligible for the “perfect 10 award”

17. Respect and courtesy – All participants must respect the venues and facilities provided at all events including other users of the venues. If internal facilities are provided please remove muddy footwear and clothing before entering the building. Please clear up or report any mess that you make or see, ensuring the facilities are left in a clean and usable state. If you notice that toilet facilities are becoming blocked due to over use, please report this to the venue prior to this causing an issue. If using outside facilities please take away any debris, rubbish and litter with you or place in a suitable disposal unit. This also includes respect and courtesy to marshals and officials at each race who host and marshal races to the best of their capabilities and good will. Failure to due this could result in the loss of appropriate points for the race involved and if necessary you will be removed from the registration database and be unable to compete in any further EACCL events. This also applies to social media. When you join the Facebook group you agree to the rules and regulations. If these are not adhered to you will automatically be deleted from the group and the registration database so you will be unable to compete in any further EACCL events.

18. Course time restrictions – Could anyone who cannot complete their race distance within 70 minutes please speak to the race organisers before participation for safety reasons.

19. Dogs and pushchairs – No dogs and pushchairs are permitted to race in these events

20. Age restrictions – No persons under the age of 15 are permitted to race, unless prior arrangements are made to ensure the safety of young persons. Under 16’s must be accompanied by a guardian, the league will not be responsible.

21. AGM voting – AGM votes will be restricted to one per team, if individuals wish to attend and vote they will need to agree between themselves and vote as one. Any voting will also require each team to be represented in person at the AGM.

22. Head & ear phones – Devices are not permitted to be used during the race to enable marshals’ and other runners’ warnings and cautions can be heard at all times. This excludes the use of medical hearing aids which are permitted.

23. Changing Teams – You are not permitted to change teams after your first race. You must finish the season in the team in which you began.

24. EACCL Disclaimer form – All runners must be covered by an appropriate league disclaimer form prior to competing in their first race of the season. Failure to do this can result in the exclusion of your results. A Team entry covers all runner participating under that team name. Individual runner will be covered by their entry form (this is not runner registration).

25. Course route misinterpretation – it is the runners responsibility to ensure they understand the race briefing and route details. Misinterpretation to this and taking the incorrect route will rest solely with the individual. Changes will not take place to the results if the incorrect route was taken.

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