Entry & Forms
The entry process has changed for the 2024/5 season.
The process only requires the online form, the PDF/Paper forms will not be used.
The online form includes the disclaimer, previously part of the PDF/Paper form.
The online form should be completed before the start of the season, every year.
Please ensure you have completed the online entry form and then paid (BACS/Cheque/Cash) before competing.
Then check the Monday before you race that you are registered to run if its your first race.
Entry Forms
Everyone (running for a team or as an individual runner) needs to be covered by a completed online form, and paid, before competing for your results to be included.
You may run as part of a Team (see Teams) or as an Individual.
Team Entry
A request to complete the team form will be emailed to the team captain before the start of the season.
Teams entered as of 29 October 2024 | |
Bure Valley Harriers | RAF Marham |
Coltishall Jaguars | Reepham Runners |
Dereham Runners AC | Ryston Runners AC |
Great Yarmouth & District Athletic Club | Saint Edmund Pacers |
Great Yarmouth Road Runners | Sportlink |
Ipswich JAFFA Running Club | Stowmarket Striders |
Norfolk Gazelles | Tri-Anglia |
Norfolk Harriers RC | UEA Athletics |
North Norfolk Beach Runners | Wymondham AC |
Norwich Road Runners |
Entry Fees
Teams: £60 per season (unlimited runners)
Individual: £5 per season
The entry form will not be available just prior to the day of the race (Wednesday !) to enable us to process the data. This means that if you miss the cut-off you will not be able to enter, and will not be able to run or appear in the results. The entry form will be available on the Wednesday after the race.
If this is your first race you need to check on the Monday before your first race. If you miss the cut off date for that race you will not be added until the next race and will be unable to compete until then.
Runners Entries – Last Updated 08 December 2024 : 19:24
Full Name | Club you will be running EACCL for | Gender |
Aaron Graves | Individual | Male |
Adam Baker | Wymondham | Male |
Adele Bushell | Coltishall Jaguars (Jaguars) | Female |
Adrian Hall | Wymondham | Male |
Adrian Hollis | Dereham Runners | Male |
Adrian Simmonds | Honington | Male |
Adrian Waters | Individual | Male |
Ady Thompson | Sportlink | Female |
Aidan Elmore | Saint Edmund Pacers (Pacers) | Male |
Alan Brailsford | Reepham Runners (Reepham) | Male |
Alan Bushell | Coltishall Jaguars (Jaguars) | Male |
Alan Diaper | Great Yarmouth Road Runners (GYRR) | Male |
Alec Hunt | RAF Marham | Male |
Alex Swarbrick | University of East Anglia (UEA) | Male |
Alice Grant | Bure Valley Harriers (Bure Valley) | Female |
Alison Armstrong | Wymondham | Female |
Alison Stewart | Norwich Road Runners (Road Runners) | Female |
Aly Williams | Individual | Female |
Amanda Gray | Wymondham | Female |
Amanda Harris | North Norfolk Beach Runners (NNBR) | Female |
Amanda Marshall | North Norfolk Beach Runners (NNBR) | Female |
Amy Kading | Stowmarket Striders (Striders) | Female |
Andrew Baker | Great Yarmouth Road Runners (GYRR) | Male |
Andrew Hammond | Norfolk Gazelles (Gazelles) | Male |
Andrew Hawes | Reepham Runners (Reepham) | Male |
Andrew Lane | Wymondham | Male |
Andrew Thomas | Great Yarmouth Road Runners (GYRR) | Male |
Andrew Verney | Wymondham | Male |
Angela Grey | Great Yarmouth Road Runners (GYRR) | Female |
Anna Wright | Norfolk Gazelles (Gazelles) | Female |
Anne Ellen | Norfolk Gazelles (Gazelles) | Female |
Anne Fish | Tri-Anglia | Female |
Anne Millett | Norwich Road Runners (Road Runners) | Female |
Anthony Sinden | Individual | Male |
Antonia Moore | University of East Anglia (UEA) | Female |
Ashley Yellop | Norwich Road Runners (Road Runners) | Male |
Barry David Wells | Norwich Road Runners (Road Runners) | Male |
Barry Halkyard | Coltishall Jaguars (Jaguars) | Male |
Becky Robertson | Tri-Anglia | Female |
Beth King | Bure Valley Harriers (Bure Valley) | Female |
Billy Eccles | Bure Valley Harriers (Bure Valley) | Male |
Bob Carter | Bure Valley Harriers (Bure Valley) | Male |
Bob Whelan | Individual | Male |
Bobbie Sauerzapf | Sportlink | Female |
Brennan Sturman | RAF Marham | Male |
Bridie Lewis | Norwich Road Runners (Road Runners) | Female |
Brook Clarke | Norwich Road Runners (Road Runners) | Female |
Bruce Rayner | Individual | Male |
Callum Bowen-Jones | Sportlink | Male |
Carol Ann Betts | Sportlink | Female |
Carole Preston | Dereham Runners | Female |
Caroline Houghton | Wymondham | Female |
Caroline Tayler | Norwich Road Runners (Road Runners) | Female |
Carolyn Lawler | Sportlink | Female |
Ceridwen Howell | Individual | Female |
Charlie Bradford | University of East Anglia (UEA) | Female |
Charlotte Harris Cook | Bure Valley Harriers (Bure Valley) | Female |
Charlotte Wootton | Individual | Female |
Chloe Heeks | Stowmarket Striders (Striders) | Female |
Chris Chorley | Sportlink | Male |
Chris Dye | Great Yarmouth Road Runners (GYRR) | Male |
Chris E Gay | Individual | Female |
Chris Harbord | Great Yarmouth Road Runners (GYRR) | Male |
Christian Ellis | Great Yarmouth Road Runners (GYRR) | Male |
Christine Anthony | Saint Edmund Pacers (Pacers) | Female |
Christine Muttitt | Sportlink | Female |
Christopher Carter | Norfolk Gazelles (Gazelles) | Male |
Christopher Gay | Great Yarmouth Road Runners (GYRR) | Male |
Claire Brown | Wymondham | Female |
Claire Jay | Individual | Female |
Clare Hodges | Great Yarmouth Road Runners (GYRR) | Female |
Cora Downing | University of East Anglia (UEA) | Female |
Cora O’Mahony | Norfolk Gazelles (Gazelles) | Female |
Corben Reynolds | Great Yarmouth Road Runners (GYRR) | Male |
Craig Alexander | RAF Marham | Male |
Craig Skipper | Wymondham | Male |
Damian Ashcroft | Sportlink | Male |
Dan Tickner | Norwich Road Runners (Road Runners) | Male |
Daniel Ben Whitmarsh | University of East Anglia (UEA) | Male |
Daniel Harrison | Great Yarmouth and District AC (GYDAC) | Male |
Daniel Summersgill | Ipswich Jaffa’s (Jaffas) | Male |
Danny Adams | Individual | Male |
Darren Adams | Great Yarmouth Road Runners (GYRR) | Male |
Darren Honour | Sportlink | Male |
Darren Woodward | Tri-Anglia | Male |
David Beighton | Saint Edmund Pacers (Pacers) | Male |
David Crotch | Norwich Road Runners (Road Runners) | Male |
David Goodwin | Norfolk Gazelles (Gazelles) | Male |
David Houghton | Wymondham | Male |
David John Gilbert | Individual | 5k Male (over 65 only) |
David Moore | Norfolk Gazelles (Gazelles) | Male |
David Powles | Wymondham | Male |
David Richard Dobbie | Dereham Runners | Male |
David Simpson | Coltishall Jaguars (Jaguars) | 5k Male (over 65 only) |
David Van Den Bergh | Individual | Male |
David Welsh | Norwich Road Runners (Road Runners) | Male |
Dawn Mason | Saint Edmund Pacers (Pacers) | Female |
Dee Neal | Coltishall Jaguars (Jaguars) | Female |
Dennis Carter | Wymondham | 5k Male (over 65 only) |
Dennis Simpson | Norwich Road Runners (Road Runners) | Male |
Derek Bye | Norfolk Gazelles (Gazelles) | Male |
Derek Sadler | North Norfolk Beach Runners (NNBR) | Male |
Dick Cheung | Sportlink | Male |
Duncan Samwell | Tri-Anglia | Male |
Duncan Smith | Reepham Runners (Reepham) | Male |
Ed Suswain | University of East Anglia (UEA) | Male |
Eddie Carman | North Norfolk Beach Runners (NNBR) | Male |
Elizabeth Blakie | Ryston Runners (Ryston) | Female |
Elke Hausler | Saint Edmund Pacers (Pacers) | Female |
Ellen Jack | University of East Anglia (UEA) | Female |
Elly Young | Coltishall Jaguars (Jaguars) | Female |
Eloise Bird | Saint Edmund Pacers (Pacers) | Female |
Emily Anderson | Individual | Female |
Emily King | University of East Anglia (UEA) | Female |
Emma Adcock | Individual | Female |
Emma Fiddy | Coltishall Jaguars (Jaguars) | Female |
Eva Osborne | Wymondham | Female |
Ewan Cuthbertson | University of East Anglia (UEA) | Male |
Fay Wheeler | Tri-Anglia | Female |
Frances Parsons | RAF Marham | Female |
Frank Ellis | Tri-Anglia | Male |
Frankie Harrison | Great Yarmouth and District AC (GYDAC) | Female |
Franklyn Plume | Coltishall Jaguars (Jaguars) | Male |
Freya Bradfield | University of East Anglia (UEA) | Female |
Gail Hardingham | Bure Valley Harriers (Bure Valley) | Female |
Gary Grand | Sportlink | Male |
Gav Dent | North Norfolk Beach Runners (NNBR) | Male |
Ghyll Woodhouse | University of East Anglia (UEA) | Male |
Ginny Fellows | Coltishall Jaguars (Jaguars) | Female |
Glen Nelson | Individual | Male |
Glenn Orford | Individual | Male |
Glynn Thomas | Ipswich Jaffa’s (Jaffas) | Male |
Graham Bainger | Norwich Road Runners (Road Runners) | Male |
Graham Johnson | Coltishall Jaguars (Jaguars) | Male |
Graham Walsh | Wymondham | 5k Male (over 65 only) |
Grayhame Fish | Tri-Anglia | 5k Male (over 65 only) |
Gregory Quinn | Reepham Runners (Reepham) | Female |
Guy Pitcher | Reepham Runners (Reepham) | Male |
Hannah Gordon | University of East Anglia (UEA) | Female |
Hannah Johnson | University of East Anglia (UEA) | Female |
Hannah Witchalls | RAF Marham | Female |
Harry Doran | Great Yarmouth and District AC (GYDAC) | Male |
Hazel Caswell | RAF Marham | Female |
Heather Houghton | Individual | Female |
Heather Smith | Norfolk Gazelles (Gazelles) | Female |
Heidi Bacon | Tri-Anglia | Female |
Helen Harrison | North Norfolk Beach Runners (NNBR) | Female |
Helen Mian | Norfolk Gazelles (Gazelles) | Female |
Helen Scothern | Dereham Runners | Female |
Hilary Harmer-Jones | Reepham Runners (Reepham) | Female |
Howard Beasley | Saint Edmund Pacers (Pacers) | Male |
Iain Robertson | Tri-Anglia | Male |
Ian Coxhead | Norfolk Gazelles (Gazelles) | Male |
Ian Freel | Great Yarmouth Road Runners (GYRR) | Male |
Ian Gardner | Individual | 5k Male (over 65 only) |
Ian Stammars | Norwich Road Runners (Road Runners) | Male |
Ian Woods | Norfolk Gazelles (Gazelles) | 5k Male (over 65 only) |
Isabel Latter | Individual | Female |
Jack Cheung | Sportlink | Male |
Jack Noble | Bure Valley Harriers (Bure Valley) | Male |
Jack Tate | Tri-Anglia | Male |
Jackie Bye | Coltishall Jaguars (Jaguars) | Female |
Jackie Eastaugh-King | Norwich Road Runners (Road Runners) | Female |
Jacquie Wood | Sportlink | Female |
James Bool | Great Yarmouth Road Runners (GYRR) | Male |
James Crawford | Tri-Anglia | Male |
James Johnston | Individual | Male |
James Nice | Individual | Male |
James Reed | Bure Valley Harriers (Bure Valley) | Male |
James Williams | Norwich Road Runners (Road Runners) | Male |
James Youngs | Stowmarket Striders (Striders) | Male |
Jan Totterdale | Dereham Runners | Female |
Jane Beales | Sportlink | Female |
Jane Clarke | Sportlink | Female |
Jane Freeman | Norfolk Gazelles (Gazelles) | Female |
Jane Hannah | Tri-Anglia | Female |
Jane Yardy | Norwich Road Runners (Road Runners) | Female |
Janice Coglin-Hibbert | Tri-Anglia | Female |
Jason Bennett | Sportlink | Male |
Jason Brunt | Norfolk Gazelles (Gazelles) | Male |
Jason Corner | Tri-Anglia | Male |
Jason Pilbrow | Tri-Anglia | Male |
Jean Marie Cox | Individual | Female |
Jennifer Burfoot | Individual | Female |
Jenny Morgan | Saint Edmund Pacers (Pacers) | Female |
Jerry Freeman | Norfolk Gazelles (Gazelles) | 5k Male (over 65 only) |
Jo Bygrave | Norwich Road Runners (Road Runners) | Female |
Jo Rayner | Wymondham | Female |
Joanna Killingworth | Norwich Road Runners (Road Runners) | Female |
Joanne Orford | Individual | Female |
Jodie Causer | Norwich Road Runners (Road Runners) | Female |
Joe Skipper | Sportlink | Male |
John Baxter | Individual | 5k Male (over 65 only) |
John Birch | North Norfolk Beach Runners (NNBR) | Male |
John Jacobs | Tri-Anglia | Male |
John Kenyon | Individual | Male |
John Leach | Individual | Male |
Jon Rowden | Tri-Anglia | Male |
Jonathan Adams | Tri-Anglia | Male |
Jonathan Burton | Dereham Runners | Male |
Jonathan Cordle | Norwich Road Runners (Road Runners) | Male |
Jonathan Foot | Bure Valley Harriers (Bure Valley) | Male |
Joseph Moore | Norfolk Gazelles (Gazelles) | Male |
Jude Durrant | Sportlink | Female |
Judith Crooks | Norwich Road Runners (Road Runners) | Female |
Judy Potter | Individual | Female |
Julian Flatt | Individual | Male |
Juliet Garnham | Stowmarket Striders (Striders) | Female |
Juliette Watkinson | Wymondham | Female |
Justin Potter | Individual | Male |
Karen Balcombe | North Norfolk Beach Runners (NNBR) | Female |
Karen Doak | Tri-Anglia | Female |
Karen Evans | Tri-Anglia | Female |
Karen Waters | Individual | Female |
Kate Gooding | Wymondham | Female |
Katherine La-Roche Saunders | Individual | Female |
Katherine Trehane | Norfolk Gazelles (Gazelles) | Female |
Kathryn Heaney | Wymondham | Female |
Katie Fenn | Coltishall Jaguars (Jaguars) | Female |
Katie King | Saint Edmund Pacers (Pacers) | Female |
Katie Woods | Norwich Road Runners (Road Runners) | Female |
Keith Beswick | North Norfolk Beach Runners (NNBR) | 5k Male (over 65 only) |
Keith Blake | Wymondham | Male |
Keith Brighty | Coltishall Jaguars (Jaguars) | Male |
Kelly Murkin | Great Yarmouth Road Runners (GYRR) | Female |
Kelly Starling | Wymondham | Female |
Kenny Balding | North Norfolk Beach Runners (NNBR) | Male |
Kerry Clarke | Norwich Road Runners (Road Runners) | Female |
Kevin Bunton | North Norfolk Beach Runners (NNBR) | Male |
Kevin Burgess | Tri-Anglia | Male |
Kevin Coleman | Stowmarket Striders (Striders) | Male |
Kevin Denmark | Wymondham | Male |
Kevin Frazer | Wymondham | Male |
Kevin Thompson | Norfolk Harriers | Male |
Kimberley Powles | Wymondham | Female |
Kirsty Ferris | Tri-Anglia | Female |
Kirsty Hobart | North Norfolk Beach Runners (NNBR) | Female |
Laurie Woods | Bure Valley Harriers (Bure Valley) | Male |
Lee Bryer | Reepham Runners (Reepham) | Male |
Lee Forder | Norwich Road Runners (Road Runners) | Male |
Lee Quibell | Bure Valley Harriers (Bure Valley) | Male |
Lee Youngs | Norwich Road Runners (Road Runners) | Male |
Leon Carrara | Individual | Male |
Leona Broughton | Reepham Runners (Reepham) | Female |
Leslie Hill | Norfolk Gazelles (Gazelles) | Male |
Lewis Grimes | Wymondham | Male |
Liam Dawson | Ryston Runners (Ryston) | Male |
Lin Bolton | Reepham Runners (Reepham) | Female |
Lisa Greengrass | Wymondham | Female |
Liz Clues | Tri-Anglia | Female |
Louise Isherwood | Norfolk Gazelles (Gazelles) | Female |
Lucas Porter | University of East Anglia (UEA) | Male |
Lucinda Bullimore | Great Yarmouth and District AC (GYDAC) | Female |
Luke Gibson | Individual | Male |
Luke Randall | University of East Anglia (UEA) | Male |
Lynn Emmett | Tri-Anglia | Female |
Marcus Catlin | Ipswich Jaffa’s (Jaffas) | Male |
Margaret Faherty | Norwich Road Runners (Road Runners) | Female |
Maria Lewis | Wymondham | Female |
Marie Clark | Sportlink | Female |
Mark Allen | Ipswich Jaffa’s (Jaffas) | Male |
Mark Armstrong | Wymondham | Male |
Mark Clues | Tri-Anglia | Male |
Mark Crookes | Bure Valley Harriers (Bure Valley) | Male |
Mark Duffield | Great Yarmouth and District AC (GYDAC) | Male |
Mark Garrett | Norwich Road Runners (Road Runners) | Male |
Mark King | Individual | Male |
Mark Philo | Tri-Anglia | Male |
Mark Sheppard | Individual | Male |
Mark Tayler | Sportlink | Male |
Martin Colley | Bure Valley Harriers (Bure Valley) | Male |
Martin Horlock | Norwich Road Runners (Road Runners) | Male |
Martin Howard | Norwich Road Runners (Road Runners) | Male |
Martin Jones | Wymondham | Male |
Martin Law | Reepham Runners (Reepham) | Male |
Martin Scothern | Dereham Runners | Male |
Martin Westgate | Individual | Male |
Matt Howard | Norwich Road Runners (Road Runners) | Male |
Matt Webster | Wymondham | Male |
Matthew Dawson | RAF Marham | Male |
Maureen McCarthy | Saint Edmund Pacers (Pacers) | Female |
Mavis Thomson | Reepham Runners (Reepham) | Female |
Melanie Elliott | Reepham Runners (Reepham) | Female |
Melissa Baker | Norwich Road Runners (Road Runners) | Female |
Melvyn Porter | Coltishall Jaguars (Jaguars) | Male |
Michael Eccles | Bure Valley Harriers (Bure Valley) | Male |
Michael Fish Sadler | North Norfolk Beach Runners (NNBR) | Male |
Michael Jones | RAF Marham | Male |
Michelle Ann Waters | Individual | Female |
Mike Munson | Stowmarket Striders (Striders) | 5k Male (over 65 only) |
Miriam Bennett | Norwich Road Runners (Road Runners) | Female |
Molly Barnard | University of East Anglia (UEA) | Female |
Myles Duffield | Great Yarmouth Road Runners (GYRR) | Male |
Nathan Stockdale | RAF Marham | Male |
Nathaniel Anderson | Individual | Male |
Neil Adams | North Norfolk Beach Runners (NNBR) | Male |
Neil Anderton | Sportlink | Male |
Neil Oxbury | Individual | Male |
Neil Shorten | North Norfolk Beach Runners (NNBR) | Male |
Neville Knights | Dereham Runners | Male |
Niall Ford | University of East Anglia (UEA) | Male |
Nick Bowden | Reepham Runners (Reepham) | Male |
Nick Gurney | Norwich Road Runners (Road Runners) | Male |
Nick Howe | RAF Marham | Male |
Nicola Balding | North Norfolk Beach Runners (NNBR) | Female |
Nicola Butler | Tri-Anglia | Female |
Nicola Weldon | Individual | Female |
Nicole Beck | Tri-Anglia | Female |
Nigel Bradley | Wymondham | Male |
Nigel Horney | Individual | Male |
Oliver Jones | Norfolk Gazelles (Gazelles) | Male |
Olivia Walwyn | Sportlink | Female |
Oscar Shuttleworth | University of East Anglia (UEA) | Male |
Paolo De Marco | Norfolk Gazelles (Gazelles) | Male |
Pat Brightman | Great Yarmouth and District AC (GYDAC) | Female |
Paul Andrew Saunders | Tri-Anglia | Male |
Paul James Smith | Norwich Road Runners (Road Runners) | Male |
Paul Knights | Individual | Male |
Paul Richardson | Norwich Road Runners (Road Runners) | Male |
Paul Smithson | Individual | Male |
Paul Todd | Great Yarmouth and District AC (GYDAC) | Male |
Paul Westgate | Great Yarmouth Road Runners (GYRR) | Male |
Paul Williams | Individual | Male |
Paul Woodyatt | Bure Valley Harriers (Bure Valley) | Male |
Paula McGrath | Tri-Anglia | Female |
Pauline Leeves | Great Yarmouth Road Runners (GYRR) | Female |
Penny Edwards | Norwich Road Runners (Road Runners) | Female |
Pete Thompson | Norfolk Gazelles (Gazelles) | Male |
Peter Bird | Saint Edmund Pacers (Pacers) | Male |
Peter Gay | Individual | 5k Male (over 65 only) |
Peter Hayward | Norfolk Gazelles (Gazelles) | Male |
Peter John Roach | Wymondham | 5k Male (over 65 only) |
Peter Swales | Dereham Runners | Male |
Peter Warland | Stowmarket Striders (Striders) | Male |
Peter Woods | Bure Valley Harriers (Bure Valley) | Male |
Phil King | North Norfolk Beach Runners (NNBR) | Male |
Philip Bamford | Sportlink | Male |
Philip Cooper | Reepham Runners (Reepham) | Male |
Philip Websdale | Dereham Runners | Male |
Rachel Hirst | Sportlink | Female |
Radley Fenn | Coltishall Jaguars (Jaguars) | Male |
Ray kirby | Tri-Anglia | Male |
Raymond Peter Gayne | Wymondham | Male |
Rebecca Durant | Individual | Female |
Rebecca Shaw | Norwich Road Runners (Road Runners) | Female |
Richard Mead | Norwich Road Runners (Road Runners) | Male |
Richard Wold | Ipswich Jaffa’s (Jaffas) | Male |
Rita Rue | Saint Edmund Pacers (Pacers) | Female |
Rob Hall | Sportlink | Male |
Robbie Starling | Wymondham | Male |
Robert Groves | Reepham Runners (Reepham) | Male |
Robert Reason | Stowmarket Striders (Striders) | Male |
Robert Scarfe | Wymondham | Male |
Robin Belsom | Ipswich Jaffa’s (Jaffas) | Male |
Robin John Batchelor | Dereham Runners | Male |
Robin Stebbings | Sportlink | 5k Male (over 65 only) |
Rod Bye | Coltishall Jaguars (Jaguars) | Male |
Roderick Mansel | Individual | Male |
Rodney Freeburn | Wymondham | 5k Male (over 65 only) |
Roger Ackerley | Sportlink | Male |
Roger Parker | Individual | 5k Male (over 65 only) |
Roly Cook | Norwich Road Runners (Road Runners) | Male |
Rory Campbell | Dereham Runners | Male |
Rosemary Ann Jackson | Coltishall Jaguars (Jaguars) | Female |
Rosie Eales | Great Yarmouth Road Runners (GYRR) | Female |
Ruth Cowlin | Saint Edmund Pacers (Pacers) | Female |
Ruth Gainsford | Coltishall Jaguars (Jaguars) | Female |
Sam Weller | North Norfolk Beach Runners (NNBR) | 5k Male (over 65 only) |
Samuel Leigh | RAF Marham | Male |
Samuel Worfolk | University of East Anglia (UEA) | Male |
Sandra Johnson | Individual | Female |
Sarah Jay | Sportlink | Female |
Sarah Lake | Dereham Runners | Female |
Sean Newbury | Great Yarmouth Road Runners (GYRR) | Male |
Seb Belton | Individual | Male |
Seth Rowden | Wymondham | Male |
Shane Lawrence | Individual | Male |
Sharon Jones | Coltishall Jaguars (Jaguars) | Female |
Shawn Mason | Sportlink | Male |
Simon Lawler | Sportlink | Male |
Simon Ray-Jones | Norfolk Gazelles (Gazelles) | Male |
Simon Wright | Norfolk Gazelles (Gazelles) | Male |
Sofia Celani | University of East Anglia (UEA) | Female |
Sonny Nicoll | University of East Anglia (UEA) | Male |
Sophie Getley | Norfolk Harriers | Female |
Stacey Daniele Mockford | Saint Edmund Pacers (Pacers) | Female |
Stefan White | Reepham Runners (Reepham) | Male |
Steffan Harwood | RAF Marham | Male |
Stephanie Ellis | Bure Valley Harriers (Bure Valley) | Female |
Stephen Dixon | Wymondham | Male |
Stephen Harvey | Individual | 5k Male (over 65 only) |
Stephen Leeves | Great Yarmouth Road Runners (GYRR) | Male |
Stephen Sadd | Norfolk Gazelles (Gazelles) | Male |
Stephen Wood | Great Yarmouth Road Runners (GYRR) | Male |
Steve Bird | Wymondham | Male |
Steve Cook | Norfolk Gazelles (Gazelles) | Male |
Steve Langley | Ipswich Jaffa’s (Jaffas) | Male |
Steve Rolfe | Norfolk Gazelles (Gazelles) | 5k Male (over 65 only) |
Steve Stringer | Great Yarmouth Road Runners (GYRR) | Male |
Steven Barber | Great Yarmouth and District AC (GYDAC) | Male |
Steven Elvin | Bure Valley Harriers (Bure Valley) | Male |
Steven Plackett | Reepham Runners (Reepham) | Male |
Steven Rue | Saint Edmund Pacers (Pacers) | Male |
Stuart Bizley | Dereham Runners | Male |
Stuart Clarke | RAF Marham | Male |
Stuart Waterfield | RAF Marham | Male |
Sue Stirling | Wymondham | Female |
SUSAN GLAZER | Sportlink | Female |
Susan Guest | Wymondham | Female |
Susan Swales | Dereham Runners | Female |
Susannah Towning | Reepham Runners (Reepham) | Female |
Suzannah Sinden | Individual | Female |
Tara Adams | Individual | Female |
Tara Baxter | Norfolk Gazelles (Gazelles) | Female |
Tawa Groombridge | Norwich Road Runners (Road Runners) | Female |
Taya-Rose Perkins | RAF Marham | Female |
Terry Brunton | Dereham Runners | Female |
Terry Garrity | Sportlink | Male |
Terry Hubbard | Great Yarmouth Road Runners (GYRR) | Male |
Tessa Killingbeck | Sportlink | Female |
Thomas Hill | RAF Marham | Male |
Thomas Lincoln-Kemp | Coltishall Jaguars (Jaguars) | Male |
Tim Parnell | Ipswich Jaffa’s (Jaffas) | Male |
Tim Rowe | Sportlink | Male |
Tim Suswain | Reepham Runners (Reepham) | Male |
Timothy Hirst | Sportlink | 5k Male (over 65 only) |
Tom Alexander | Ipswich Jaffa’s (Jaffas) | Male |
Tom Barber | Great Yarmouth and District AC (GYDAC) | Male |
Tom Woodward | University of East Anglia (UEA) | Male |
Toni Tarrant | Dereham Runners | Female |
Tony Beales | Wymondham | Male |
Tony Millett | Norwich Road Runners (Road Runners) | Male |
Tracey Salisbury | Wymondham | Female |
Tracie Draeger | Wymondham | Female |
Tracy Stevens | Wymondham | Female |
Trevor Horrex | Norwich Road Runners (Road Runners) | Male |
Trevor Kuhrt | Norwich Road Runners (Road Runners) | Male |
Trevor Potter | Norwich Road Runners (Road Runners) | 5k Male (over 65 only) |
Ursie Webber | Reepham Runners (Reepham) | Female |
Vickey Poulter | North Norfolk Beach Runners (NNBR) | Female |
Vicky Bailey | Norwich Road Runners (Road Runners) | Female |
Vicky Tovell | Coltishall Jaguars (Jaguars) | Female |
Vivienne Lain | Reepham Runners (Reepham) | Female |
Vivienne Taylor | Wymondham | Female |
Wendy A Smith | Norwich Road Runners (Road Runners) | Female |
Will Buck | Norwich Road Runners (Road Runners) | Male |
William Edward Cox | Individual | 5k Male (over 65 only) |
William Parker | Wymondham | Male |
William Wassmer | Great Yarmouth and District AC (GYDAC) | Male |
Yvonne Potter | Stowmarket Striders (Striders) | Female |
Zak Barber | Great Yarmouth and District AC (GYDAC) | Male |
Unsure ?
If your details are incorrect, if you are unsure about your entry status, or if your details are incorrect on this spreadsheet please either complete the online entry form again or email chris@eaccl.org.uk with any changes.
TIP: Take a photo of your parkrun bar code on your phone as a back up in case you forget it. You can also add it to your Garmin or phone with the the appropriate app. We can use these to register your result. Please have the finishing tag and your barcode ready at the end of the race to scan to keep everything moving. It the queue is long grab some warm clothes first and come back, but please scan your results as soon as possible.