The East Anglian Cross Country League (EACCL) is a cross country league run through the winter months at various locations through Norfolk and Suffolk. Originating as a forces league with events at various Army and RAF bases. This has now expanded to include local domestic running clubs and groups. It has been running since the early 1960’s. It was initially set up on a Wednesday as this was when the forces were encouraged to do sporting activities, a lot of colleges also adopted this practice.
The series is open as team or as individual.

The series consists of around ten races per season. This can vary per season depending on availability of clubs, venues and weather. Two races per season can be dropped individually to be eligible to participate in the awards for the season or as a team they have to have participation in all races.

Costs are per season, as a team or individual. See the forms page for more details. All payments are required prior to participation in any event

Men’s races are generally 10k and the ladies are approx 5k, these distances do vary according to location and access. We endeavour to do our best to adhere to this but some sites are working areas and we have to work within authorisations and local restrictions. All races start at 2:30pm unless stated.

This league is run by volunteers on a shoe string budget to try and encourage as many participants as possible, to have some fun during the winter months. We rely on free venue’s. It’s format, recording and results system are all very primitive and does not suit everyone. We aim to be as inclusive to all as possible. We endeavour to develop this league to accommodate as many runners as possible and we keep entry costs to a minimum to encourage as many participants as possible. The league is a non profit league so the fees charged as so we can cover the insurance and permits of the races and the presentation cost only. We work hard within constraints of our venues, light in the winter months, the speed of all runners, safety for all, processing time for runners including the organisers clearing each event in the daylight and all of the background work. We hope you can appreciate these constraints and our endeavours to develop this within these parameters where we can.

To progress the league we require your help not criticism. Any ideas you have to take developments forward to meet the needs of the competitors with in the league will be appreciated and considered. Please email them to us.

The league also raises money for several local charities and projects through the hosting clubs charging for car parking and providing refreshments where possible, as all the venues are kindly used with no charge.

Nine bionic heart men at the EACCL whose ages range between 48 & 81 (3 are amazingly 81), who became aware of heart issues, have returned to running with EACCL. With this in mind, during the 2024/5 season the league will be raising money for the British Heart Foundation.

The league did dwindle in numbers a few years back but through having Team Captains, the introduction of a Facebook page and this website we have a considerable following now which adds to the fun. The majority of our participants away from the forces teams are older and self employed, however this is also changing as people come and have a go and enjoy the events and make provision to come back and enjoy the fun where possible. We hope to see you soon.

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